Please find below the agenda for the 2017 conference held at the USP Japan ICT Auditorium.

The agenda is subject to changes and notifications will be sent in regards to changes.

Time Window
 Monday 27.11.17   USP Japan ICT Auditorium
08:30-09:45 Registration and Entertainment
10:00-10:15 Conference Opening Hon. Faiyaz  Koya OPENING
10:15-10:30 Philipp Müller Memorial Address Andrew Jones OPENING
10:30-10:45 Welcome Address USP Anjeela Jokhan Dean OPENING
10:45-10:55 Conference Overview Wolf Forstreuter OPENING
10:55-11:15 Conference Photo OPENING
11:15-11:45 Morning Coffee  OPENING
11:35-11:55 The Pacific GIS & Remote Sensing Councile and the Pacific Surveyors and Geospatial Council Wolf / Jens INSTITUTION
11:55-12:15 ISPRS - International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing: Serving society with information from images". Petra Helmholtz INSTITUTION
12:15-12:35 The MOU between the New Zealand Institute of Surveyors and the PGSC, an update Christopher Pearson INSTITUTION
12:35-12:55 New Constellations, New Capabilities, and Future Opportunities Peter Kinne DATA
12:55-14:00  Lunch
14:00-14:20 The European Union's Copernicus Marine Service – Applications in the field of Ocean Governance and Climate Change Adrian Nicolae DATA
14:20-14:40 Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing in the cloud Ken Mathers DATA
14:40-15:00 Geospatial Systems and Sharing Data Steven Ackerly DATA
15:00-15:20 Information services using satellite-based remote sensing technology from Japan Tsugito Nagano DATA
15:20-15:40 Afternoon Coffee 
15:40-16:00 Open Data and its Benefits to Society: Remembering the Buchenwald Concentration Camp Martin Isenburg DATA
16:00-16:20 Remote sensing applications in support of coastal zone management Thomas Schroeder COASTAL
16:20-16:40 Open Map Tool for National Disaster Management Office in Fiji Jiuta Korovulavula DISASTER
16:40-17:00 Photogrammetry Developments at the Fiji Lands Department Viliame P. Waqa DATA
19:00  Cocktail at USP 
Tuesday 28.11.17  USP Japan ICT Auditorium
08:40-09:00 Spatial Industries Business Association supporting Pacific Islands Initiatives Deanna Hutchinson INSTITUTION
09:00-09:20 Radar, Imagery, Elevation and the Pacific Peter Kinne DTM
09:20-09:40 Forest Change Analysis as Wall to Wall Mapping for Fiji REDD+ Viliame Tupua FOREST
09:40-10:00 Integrating External Ground Points in Forests to Create DTMs from Dense-Matching Photogrammetry Martin Isenburg FOREST
10:00-10:20 Accuracy Assessment of Wall to Wall Forest Change Detection in Fiji Lanieta Rokotuiwakaya FOREST
10:20-10:40 GIS/RS multi-scale approach for the assessment of mangrove species composition and coverage Rocky Kaku FOREST
10:40-11:00 Morning Coffee
11:00-11:20 Improving collection and access to high-quality statistical data Phil Bright DATA
11:20-11:40 Microsoft & Windows 10 Support Problems for Trimble Warren Eade DATA
11:40-12:00 Using supervised learning for modeling biogeochemical parameters in New Caledonia with MODIS ocean color Guillaume Wattelez ENVIRONMENT
12:00-12:20 Integrating GIS tools into EIA and expanding the CESMP in Projects for economic development. The case of Port Vila Urban Development (PVUDP) Williams P. Ganileo ENVIRONMENT
12:20-12:40 Flash floods impact mapping in Pacific Island urban environment using 30cm satellite imagery Emmanuel Bouniot DISASTER
12:40-13:00 Tectonic deformation in the South Pacific, the effect on spatial references and what GIS professionals can do about it Christopher Pearson GEOLOGY
13:00-14:20 Lunch
14:20-14:40 The assessment of burn wounds using photogrammetry Petra Helmholtz DATA
14:40-15:00 Law Enforcement through Gespatial Crime Database Eseta Dumukuro UTILITY
15:00-15:20 Transition of GIS Development and its Impact at WAF Josua Wainiqolo UTILITY
15:20-15:40 Latest of the PARTner Project Judith Giblin DISASTER
15:40-16:00 Afternoon Coffee 
16:00-16:20 Majuro Atoll: 1-Meter Digital Elevation Model - Improving Elevation Mapping in the Pacific Maria Kottermair DATA
16:20-16:40 Point Clouds in the Browser Martin Isenburg DATA
16:40-17:00 Digital Atlas of Micronesia -- A new online-GIS standard for the Pacific Islands Maria Kottermair DATA
19:00 Yaqona Ceremony at USP Bure
Wednesday 29.11.17  USP Japan ICT Auditorium
08:40-09:00 Maritime Boundaries in the Pacific, the latest update Malakai Vakautawale MARITIME
09:00-09:20 The COMETE project: use of ocean colour for bloom detection and turbidity survey around Pacific islands Cecile Dupouy MARITIME
09:20-09:40 S-121 Maritime Boundaries Exchange Format Jonah Sullivan MARITIME
09:40-10:00 Coastlines and coast characterization exploiting geospatial cloud computing Rémi Andreoli MARITIME
10:00-10:20 Estuarine Circulation in the Rewa River, Fiji Edward Anderson MARITIME
10:20-11:40  Morning Coffee
10:40-11:00 The monitoring of Maritime Incident using remote sensing and cloud solution Rémi Andreoli MARITIME
11:00-11:20 Maritime Boundary Project in the Region Filimoni Yaya MARITIME
11:20-11:40 The user perspective: GIS for Marine Spatial Planning in Pacific Island Countries Philipp Gassner MARITIME
11:40-12:00 Characterizing Chlorophyll plumes in Fiji Waters from Ocean Color Remote Sensing (OCRS) Timoci Koliyavu MARITIME
12:00-12:20 Developing capability with PacSAFE: An update of the tool and project Lauren Power DATA
12:20-14:00 Lunch
14:00-14:20 Radar Data Availability for Fiji Hirdeshni Gautam DATA
14:20-14:40 Digital Transformation in Agriculture John Magnifico AGRICULTURE
14:40-15:00 QGIS Plug IN  Development Jonah Sullivan GNS
15:00-15:20 Trimble Catalyst Warren Eade SOFTWARE
15:20-15:40  Afternoon Coffee
15:40-16:00 WeRobotics Pacific Flying Lab Amrita Lal UAV
16:00-16:20 Drone mapping of Informal Settlements in support of Census Richard Russell UAV
16:20-16:40 Innovative Mapping Technologies and GIS Solutions for Environmental & Disaster Management Maung Maung Khin UAV
16:40-17:00 Long endurance, autonomous deep-stall landing Drone technology Richard Russell UAV
21:00- Guided Visit through Bars in Suva  
Thursday 30.11.17 USP Japan ICT Auditorium
09:00-09:20 DigitalGlobe’s next generation constellation and value-added applications Andrew Steele DATA
09:20-09:40 Integrated Tsunami Risk Management in Loyalty Islands (New Caledonia) : Collaborative mapping to reduce vulnerability Le Duff Matthieu DISASTER
09:40-10:00 Security and Emergency Management solutions Seyed Miri DATA
10:00-10:20 Valorizing your data and finding out the most suitable key-turn solutions Jean Massenet DATA
10:20-10:40 Monitoring applications and upcoming new Airbus-Intelligence services Seyed Miri DATA
10:40-11:00 Morning Coffee
11:00-11:30 Mapping Forest Degradation Wolf Forstreuter DISCUSSION
11:30-12:00 Open Source Development Sachindra Singh DISCUSSION
12:00-12:30 Illegal Fisheries Monitoring Malakai Vakautawale DISCUSSION
12:30-13:00 UAV Application Richard Russell DISCUSSION
13:00-14:00  Lunch
14:00-14:20 Fiji Elections Office GIS Projects Viliame Vuiyanuca UTILITY
14:20-14:40 GEE as tool for Water Resource Management Amit Singh UTILITY
14:40-15:00 application of Geospatial information for monitoring and spatial analysis the status of biodiversity among Fanga'uta Lagoon Catchments Savelina Pale ENVIRONMENT
15:00-15:20  Afternoon Coffee
15:20-15:40 QBOOK MOODLE: A Year Down The Line; Progress, Challenges & Potential John Kaitu'u DATA
15:40-16:00 3D Modelling of USP Lower Campus using CityEngine and ArcGIS Amrita Lal STUDENT
16:00-16:20 Assessing vulnerability using a Community Integrated Framework and Community Mapping & QGIS Viliame Folau ENVIRONMENT
16:20-16:30 Closing of Conference Russell Howorth CLOSING
18:00  Closing Cocktail at SPC - GEM 
  Friday 01.11.17  Different Locations
09:00-12:00 Workshops
Saturday 02.11.17  Sandbank Suva Reef
12:00-17:30   Picnic at Sandbank Suva Reef Commander 1, Iara