2017 Conference Highlights

The 2017 Pacific GIS & RS User Conference was officially opened by Fiji's Minister of Lands and Mineral Resources, Hon. Faiyaz Koya at the USP Japan ICT Auditorium on the 27th of November, 2017. Over 200 participants attended the week long conference from across the Pacific and far reaches of the globe, with over 50 presentations in total across all subject areas in GIS and Remote Sensing. A total of five workshops were run on Friday, 1st of December at various locations. These peaked many attendees interest and the introduction of a registration fee for the workshop was introduction to ensure places were secure.
The 2017 conference also discussed the conception of the Pacific GIS & RS Council, and whilst still being formalized, committee members from across the Pacific were approached to extend the links beyond Fiji and into the Pacific region.

Download Presentations

Presentations across the 4 days spanned across subjects from Data to Forestry in GIS & Remote Sensing.

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Check out our gallery and view our conference photos.

Winners from our 2017 Conference

A number of awards and prizes were handed out during our conference closing cocktail at SPC. 

2017 Conference Sponsors

PGRSC would like to thank our 2017 Pacific GIS & RS User Conference Sponsors for allowing us to run a successful conference.