The Chair of PGRSC, Dr Wolf Forstreuter, was in Austria to represent the Pacific at a United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs or UNOOSA symposium. 

During the symposium, Dr. Forstreuter had a floor space where he was able to present on:

(i)  spatial image data needs of Pacific Island Countries

(ii) long history of quantitative vegetation monitoring for low lying islands including mangrove and coconut palm cover

(iii) PGRSC as grass root level organisation with long history of the established network


Through the Pacific GIS and Remote Sensing Council, our Chair was able to represent the network of members that was established at the last conference, putting our best foot forward in highlighting the Pacific and GIS & RS related activities.


You can see Dr. Forstreuters presentations here:

i) Pacific User Needs

ii) Vegetation Change for Low Lying Islands 

And the final event timetable here:

