Pacific Islands GIS and Remote Sensing User Conference
23rd November to 26th November with Workshops 27th November
Vanuatu and PGRSC do not negate the danger of COVID-19, however, we assume:
- That by end of November the regional airlines including Australia and New Zealand would operate again.
- Quarantine measures would be reduced between countries in which COVID-19 cases are under control.
We will guarantee all safety measures made mandatory still necessary at that point in time in social distancing, hygienic practicing of washing hands and using hand sanitizers and wearing protective masks, etc. With the two statements mentioned we wish to announce that the Pacific Islands GIS and Remote Sensing User Conference is to take place as planned before in Port Vila from 23rd November to 26th November with workshops on 271h November.
These announcements will be rude through all GIS and RS related event calendars. So far we plan the Conference as “normal” Conference and not as video meeting. We fervently hope COVID-19 restrictions would ease and allow PGRSC Conference 2020 plans to continue with high participation as travel funds are often not utilised this year.