The Conference Committee in Vanuatu decided to postpone the 2020 GIS and RS User
Conference as a face to face Conference to the last week November 2021. The PGRSC Board
agreed to have an additional “Online Mini Conference” first week of February 2021. The length
will be one or two days depending on the number of incoming presentations. The proceedings,
which we will produce, will be made downloadable from the PGRSC website and also available
as a printed version.
The announced Copernicus webinar was not fed into the USP network. We are working on
feeding the sessions subsequently and distribute during daytime. To follow online starting at
03:00 seems to be extremely difficult.
We will have an Annual General Meeting (AGM) for all PGRSC members last week of October
as an online meeting. Prior to the AGM but during the same meeting all Focal Points will be
addressed. During the AGM the activities of the past and planned actions of PGRSC will be
presented. The members will be asked for additional tasks which PGRSC should take into the
plan. Finally the change of the constitution will be presented and comments will be discussed.
The draft of the new constitution will be distributed prior to the AGM.
There will be a “PGRSC Open Evening for Students” in calendar week 47 starting at 12
October at USP in Suva. The content of the evening will be:
- Explaining PGRSC purpose, structure, history
- Explaining political environment such as MoU with USP, role of ISPRS, etc.
- Explaining student membership.