The competition is proudly Sponsored by our partner Vodafone Fiji

Guidelines for Poster Design

The Conference Committee is currently accepting entries for the 2022 Pacific Geospatial Conference Poster Competition. Poster designs are expected to be expressed around the conference theme, Digital Platforms, GIS and Remote Sensing to anticipate and manage impacts of Global Warming.
The poster competition is one of the activities of the Pacific GIS & RS Annual Conference where GIS & RS activities within the Pacific conducted by professionals and students are showcased, fostering communication, and sharing of knowledge. The most important goal in poster design is to present information in a way that is accessible and understandable to the different types of audience.

There are two categories for the Poster Competition: Student and Professional. First, Second and Third place will be awarded prizes after judging is completed.

Submission close on the 14th of November, 2022

Student awards will be announced on the 30th November 2022 and Professional category winners will be announced on the 1st of December 2022.

Eligibility and Criteria:.

● Participants must email their expression of interest and soft copy of poster to Lanieta Rokotuiwakaya (
● One entry per participant/organisation will be accepted
● Digital copy MUST be submitted for judging (see judging rubric below)
● Posters must be A3 or A2 size and exported at 600dpi
● Clear title, author and contact details for poster

Please download the Poster competition rules and the guidelines.