For the first time The Pacific GIS and Remote Sensing Council (PGRSC), OSGeo Oceania and HOT OSM are hosting a combined conference, bringing you the “2022 Pacific Geospatial Conference”. The theme is “Digital Platforms, GIS and Remote Sensing to anticipate and manage impacts of Global Warming”.

The Pacific Geospatial Conference will be held from 28th November to 2nd December at the University of the South Pacific in Suva, Fiji.

The Call for Presentations is now open and can either be long or short as part of the fast, fun, frenetic Lightning series. Submit your presentation here:

Call for presentation Form

The conference spans four days with over 60 presentations. Day 4 will feature the discussion session and Day 5 is reserved for workshops carried out by various experts in their respective geospatial field.

Save the dates:
Abstract submissions deadline : 31 August 2022
Registration Open : 1 August 2022